Went to the library today.
"It Pirate's week" and no Johnny Depp was
not there.
but my friend from Australia sent me this
King of the Open Seas
One foggy night, as the admiral was walking
along the deck of his battleship, he saw the light
of another ship approaching in the distance.
Quickly he went down to the radio room and
had a message sent:
"Ajust your course 10 degrees starbord."
But the message came back
"Adjust your course 10 degrees port"
This began to anger the admiral, so he thought
he needed to make himself clear.
He sent the message
"This is an order from an Admiral. Ajust your
course 10 degrees starbord."
But the message came back
"I am a petty officer, second class.
Adjust your course 10 degrees port"
If the admiral was angry before, he was furious
No way did he take orders from a petty officer!
He ordered a message sent which would make
his position clear:
"This is a nuclear battleship. Ajust your course 10
degrees starbord."
And again the message came back
"This here is a lighthouse.
I think it is better that
You adjust your course by 10 degrees port"
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