Todays society does not seem to hold SEX in a high esteem.
Many teens and a large proportion of the adult population
believe it's fine to have sex without any strings attatched.
Some of us are pressured and cave in to peer pressure.
Very few people today believe you should only have sex
when you're married and only with the person you are
married to.
The age of the first sexual experience seems to occur earlier
than before.
I am not into heavy religions and I am far from perfect, but I
have always believed sex should be a private enjoyable
experience between two responsible individuals.
A girl's virginity is a gift that cannot be returned once given.
The risks associated with casual sex is high.
You could catch a sexually transmitted disease.
Once you have been exposed to a disease like AIDS there is
no turning back the clock.
There is also the risk of pregnancy.
Do you want to risk that?
You only need to look around to see how many teenage
pregnancies are happening out there.
Children raising children and losing their teen years and
learning experiences.
Teens consider this:
It is your choice as to whether or not you have sex before
you marry. If you have to ask if you are ready, chances
are you are not.
Having sex does not make you grown up. Sexual relations
before you are ready emotinally can cause unforeseen problems
later on.
Girls Value Your Virginity!
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