Wednesday, November 09, 2005


It’s a new scene out there!
You are newly divorce!
What next?
HEAL FIRST- See a counselor if needed!

1. Give yourself time to get over your old relationship
before you enter the social scene again, you don’t need to
be judging your new relationship with the old.
2. Decide what qualities that you want in a potential suitor
before even going out with someone. Once you find
someone with similar interests and background, you have
the chance to give it the best
3. If you have children, remember change is hard. Set
aside date times and do not introduce them to everyone you
meet, they have feelings too. But keep a good friend aware of
your moves- A safety net. Absolutely do not bring home a date
until you are sure about that person. I don't care if it is even to
pick you up.
4. If it seems like you have met someone special, introduce
the children gradually for limited amounts of time. Children will
resent any sudden changes in routines.
A “ I’m getting married and you have a new Daddy” does not
cut it, unless you plan years of therapy for family members.
5. If you have children remember putting down a parent hurts
that child. If you think so little of their other parent who they are
apart of- Can you love them?
6. If you're still a little shy about entering the dating scene,
try going out with a group of the same sex. Just to get your
7. It takes time and patience to find someone new- don’t
accept the first person you meet. Give yourself time to see if
your feelings are real, and if the relationship has any potential.

GOOD LUCK and be careful!

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