Sunday, October 30, 2005


This is a story related to me by a friend:
…I happened to be at a hospital doing an

audit, and I was the only one around. This
priest walked up and put his hands on my
shoulder and asked for the chart next to me.
I was the only one around so I handed it to

him, but I was seething.
He came back and he put his hands on my

shoulder again and ask if there was anything
else he needed to do. I said yes, you need to
ask permission from me to touch my body
or any other woman's
He informed me he was just a friendly person.
I said that’s your problem don’t make it mine.
Being friendly doesn’t give you a license to

touch my body. Whether you realize it or not
I own this body and I don’t want your hands
on it.
By now there is a crowd.
He was saying he was sorry and all that bullshit.
I said you aren’t sorry you actually thought in

your limited mind it was ok and that women
won’t mind you touching them.
Well I do mind and I am sure other women

mind as well!
He then said that in his job he does that as a

comfort...I said I am not sad.... I don’t need
comforting...and the patient isn’t my relative
but even if that were, it still doesn’t give you
the right touch anyone whether man women
or need to get a grip.

The administrator come in to quite it down

the situation. I informed him he had touched
me without permission and that I could classify
that as sexual harassment.
We were taken to the office and as they tried

to hush me...I said why should I be quiet he
started it by doing unsolicited touching.
Where is your outrage for him for touching

I wanted more to be said about that.

By then I was steaming and getting hotter when
they finally reminded him he was in the wrong.

My friend went on to say that she believed:
Women who were taught to be polite and

to be a quiet ladies and not make scenes
are the ones getting killed today.
The quiet demure sexy ones who’s body

language is easily read by men and the men
know who will fight and who wont.
The men target the women they can get
away with bullying and etc.
She said A lot MORE………

But give me your views!
How would you feel?

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