Struggling to end a furor over his remarks on
Islam, Pope Benedict XVI has invited a group
of ambassadors from predominantly Muslim
countries to meet with him on Monday at his
summer palace.
The Vatican says the Pope hopes to defuse anger
in the Muslim world that followed a speech last
week in which he quoted a 14th century
Christian emperor who described some of the
Prophet Mohammed's teachings as
"evil and inhuman."
The Pope has already said he is deeply sorry
that Muslims took offence and stressed that the
quotation was not intended to represent his
own views.
He acknowledged that his remarks were open
to misinterpretation and said he has
"deep respect" for Islam.
The subject of the speech, delivered at the
University of Regensburg in Germany, was the
relationship between faith and reason.
As he explained it later, he was trying to show
that religion and reason go together but
religion and violence do not.
What got him into trouble was a quotation
attributed to Manuel II Palaeologus, a
Byzantine emperor: "Show me just what
Mohammed brought that was new, and there
you will find things only evil and inhuman,
such as his command to spread by sword the
faith he preached."
Manuel II Palaeologus SEEMS TO HAVE
In the days after the speech, a number of
churches were attacked in Palestinian areas
and an Italian nun was slain by gunmen in
It remains unclear whether the killing was
related to Pope's remarks.
In the latest reaction, Muslim clerics and
scholars meeting in Pakistan have called for
the Pope's removal for what they call his
"insulting remarks" and warned the West of
severe consequences if it doesn't change its stance
on Islam. They issued a statement after their
meeting in Lahore. It said the Pope should be
removed from his position immediately for
encouraging war and fanning hostility between
Monday's gathering is to take place at the Pope's
residence at Castel Gandolfo.
A Muslim council that has advised the Italian
government on integration issues is expected to
participate, the Italian news agency ANSA said.
With files from the Associated Press
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