Obviously I can't print it all here but the interview
Transcripts from March 20 2006 with
Greta was fairly interesting. Follow the link...
If Beth Twitty or Dave Holloway were to say, Joran,
I want to come to Holland and talk to you — I
mean, I'll invite them into my house. I'll answer
any questions they have. I mean, I'll understand if
they — if they don't — you know, if they're mad at
me, I mean, I can understand that all. I can
understand if they hate me or they despise me.
I understand all that all.
But when I was in jail, I signed a paper for them
to come talk to me, and then my lawyers and
my parents said. No, you can't. You can't talk to
them because they can come out saying anything,
that you said anything. And you know, I've
always — I've always wanted to talk to them.
And I know they might not listen to me and
they — you know, they don't — they might not
believe me, but I'll talk to them and tell them
anything they want to know, answer any of
their questions, do anything of that.
We'll continue with Natalee Holloway's mother,
Beth Twitty. Beth, I know the last segment you
said you'd like to do it but you'd want
someone who's a polygraph expert. But you
know, that's — that's not going to happen.
He's not going to do that. But in the event that
you might learn something from him, do you
have anything to lose, just the two of you, without
TV cameras, without anything but just you and
Joran van der Sloot sitting down — because
you're a pretty tough cross-examiner.
Why not do that?
Well, I don't think we'd have
anything to lose if Dave and I were to do
that, but I just don't think that I'm going
to gain one thing.
And that's what concerns me.
Well, you know, when I spoke
with Deepak at the Internet cafe, I felt as
if — for some reason, I didn't have any
trouble in the 90 minutes that I was trying
to engage in a conversation with Deepak.
But the thing about it, he just would not
respond to me at all. And you know, I'd
be curious to see if he would respond now.
You know, when I spoke to him in the cafe, as
well, I thought he was openly hostile to me.
Well, you know, he was just so
quiet with me. I mean, he would just
not — he would not even — he couldn't
even pick his head up and wouldn't even
look at me, and you know, wouldn't
engage in any type of conversation
No matter how hard I tried or whatever
I said, I could not get anywhere with him
Well, I know that I would love for somebody
to get to Satish Kalpoe because he seems
like he's the one who's gotten off the easiest
in all this.
He seems to have just been the one that
everyone's overlooked. We've always been
thinking about Deepak and Joran, but I
think Satish has quite a bit of involvement
and knows exactly what happened. And I
just hate that he's the only one that no one
has been able to get to. And it seems like
to me he might be the easiest one to get
some information out of. We just don't
seem to be able to find him.
There's a new search that just started the other
day. Is it — are you — are you thinking, like, I'm
so glad this search is going forward, or are you
thinking that this is a charade or something
in between?
If you ask me They are just getting ready in
Aruba to wipe this shame away.
What their next move will be I can't guess
but I am sure it will be as equally
transparent as the rest of their clumsy
Tactics to make this GO AWAY...
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