still waiting for updates on Natalee Holloway a
teenager who mysteriously dissappeared while
vacationing in Aruba.
While she is not the first Foreigner to vanish from
this IDEAL Vacation spot, many Bloggers are not
willing to accept this unexplained vanishing
any longer.
Aruba must declare what caused their
incompetance and the reason for their
unwillingness to continue trying to solve this case.
The moves they have made have not been ones
any decent investigation team worldwide, would
ever have made.
The whole case has been run as if they are being
carefull of stepping on people's toes.
A Girl is DEAD Aruba.
A vacationer that you enticed to your Island
with false promised of safety. You have an
obligation to your guests and their families.
An obligation that comes from running any
type of business for the public.
Yes the rich and young can become Killers.
Killers come from all classes. They are not
all black, poor and on drugs. The responsibility
of finding Natalee still belongs to Aruba.
Where are the other missing tourist that you
never even bothered to look for as their was
no media coverage?
Do we have to police the Island of Aruba?

Someone's beloved Daughter
Someone's Child
A parent's hope and dreams for their child is over.
Can her killer hope to have a guilt free life ahead.
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