Thursday, February 09, 2006

Neil Entwistle in police custody at last!!!

Brit Charged With Slaying Wife, Baby
BOSTON, Feb. 9, 2006
(CBS/AP) British authorities early Thursday arrested
a man in the shooting deaths of his wife and infant
daughter, found in their Massachusetts home last
month, the district attorney's office said.
Neil Entwistle, who returned to his native England
around the time his family was killed, was arrested
at 7 a.m. eastern time and faces murder charges,
said Middlesex District Attorney's spokeswoman
Emily LaGrassa.
"He is in police custody in England at this time,"
LaGrassa said Thursday morning.

Are any of us surprised?
Why do these men marry?
Again the theory- the last person with the victims.
Still Aruba does not get it?

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