early spring and only 2 weeks of winter to go?
Here I am in Toronto bundled up like an eskimo
in the north and it is 4 weeks later.
I am spending this morning looking up a
recipe for groundhog stew.
Anyone has a good one?
Psst. Can you tell I am a little upset?.
1 groundhog
2 oranges, pared (For cavity)
2 onions, sliced
1/2 cup celery, sliced
Rum and water
Salt and pepper
Clean inside groundhog; remove bowels. Soak overnight in a
solution of equal parts of water and Rum with addition of one sliced
of onion and pepper and salt to flavour.
Drain, wash, and wipe. Parboil 20 minutes, and stuff with oranges
to soak up grease. Add one sliced onion, celery, a few cloves, and
salt and 2tbs of gunpowder.
preheat on oven to 450 and blow it away.
You did not think I was seriously gonna eat it huh?
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