Wednesday, January 04, 2006

MEN- Abused victims too!

In our society we think of women as
the victims and men as the
aggressors in physical abuse.
But that is not true.

Many men are assaulted by
their girlfriends or wives.

Why is it not reported?
1. Less men report abuse. They are ashamed to

report being abused by women.
2. Health care and law enforcement professionals

are more likely to accept alternative explanations
of abuse from a man.
They will believe other reasons for the presence
of bruises and other signs of injury.
3. Our justice system sometimes takes the word

of the woman above the word of the man in abuse
cases. It is just more believable that the aggressor
was the man, not the woman.
4. Men will tolerate more pain than women.

They are more likely to "grin and bear it."
And again, many are ashamed to seek medical
help for abuse.
5. Unless a woman uses a weapon (and many do),

a woman usually does not have the strength of a
man to inflict serious injury by abuse.
to read about more visit the below link:

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