Sunday, December 04, 2005

Relationship Recipe:

Needs for a good Relationship:
A: -Good communication
B: -Love for each other

Basic Facts:

1. Communication is the key to a healthy and active

sex life in any relationship, so talk.
2. Share with one another your sexual desires.
3. Talk about your expectations concerning lovemaking.
4. Sexual intimacy is a continuing process of discovery.

Intimacy through communication is what makes sex great.
5. Sex in a long lasting relationship can deepen and

become a richer experience. The wonder and awe of a
mutual sexual attraction can last forever if nurtured.
6. Plan for sexual encounters with one another. Make sex

one of your main priorities.
7. Try to set the mood in advance regardless of how busy

you may be..
8. If you want to have good sex at night, start the foreplay

in the morning. Create the excitement.
9. Send your partner notes, e-mails, phone calls, hugs,

winks etc. to let them know you are thinking of them.

Awareness Tips:
1. Being grouchy all day or ignoring your spouse during the

day hurts your chances of having a positive lovemaking
experience that evening.
2. Remember that sex isn't going to be perfect each time.

Don't compare your sex life to the ones you see in movies
or on television.
3. Recognize that abstinence now and then can be
beneficial to your relationship, but don’t use it as a
controlling tool.

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