Friday, December 02, 2005

Relationship glitches!

A reader suggested I write about these topics:

“I wish you would research and do postings on
WHY women feel the need to go to psychologists
...or get help gurus, or relationship doctors..
Why don't men feel the need to go?”

Well to be honest with you I feel women go to
psychologists to mend themselves.
We have had years of conditioning that needs to
be erased.We need help to deal with the Conflicts
of relationships.
You develop a friendship with a man, and conflict
is sure to occur. (harmless joke here)
While most Men are not as sensitive as women, there are
some men who cannot survive without a therapist.

”Why women feel they are inadequate and feel
they’re Responsible, if a relationship ends?
Why do women become so susceptible to having poor
self esteem?”

The most basic need all of us have is to have a sense
of personal worth. Example: security and significance.
Security means being loved and accepted for who
you are. Significance means having meaning or
purpose in my life. Women tend to build goals for
Eg. I will be secure if: I am in a loving relationship
Or I will be significant if: When I have financial success.
Women, continue to make great strides in their
professional lives, but we still think that our
relationships and accomplishments can ultimately
meet our deepest needs for security and significance.

”Why men feel the need to say they are ok
but always blame the women for busting up the

We gotta be honest, Its a two way street here.
Guilt-testing your partner often takes the form of
"if you loved me you would…"
or "I don't see why you can't just…" statements.
Using guilt is never an act of love; it is always an
act of violence.
It may seem like ‘brutal honesty' but the true
intention of guilt is always to wound, to hurt and
to break down a person. Guilt aims to make the
other person suffer. So why do we do it? We often
resort to using guilt when we feel threatened,
unloved or unworthy. This act is done by both
women and men

”Why are women responsible for how kids
turn out..If they are bad it’s the woman fault
if they are good it’s because the man's a good

Times are a changing. Women in the past were
mainly in charge of the rearing of the children.
The man’s duties were few, Society is changing
but some diehards still try to stick to the old plan.
Give it time!!!

”What does having men watching porn have to
do with the effect on the relationship.”
So, your husband is into pornography and you
found out. Well, you’re not alone. Your reaction could
range from disbelief, to disgust, to anger.
You wonder, “How could he do this to me?”
You likely have no desire to be with him sexually,
and you may want to leave him altogether.
Of course we need to consider the type of porn
he is involved with also!
If you decide to work throught this you need a
commitment from your husband
to work together to battle the need for pornography.
He must get help beyond you; he must break the
silence and be accountable, whether to a counselor
or a friend.

Hey we need to realize its not always the
man's fault.
I have known some very evil women.
Let's cut the men some slack here and judge
it by a case by case situation and not

We've all had a bad relationship in our lifes
but its a learning pedestral. Building a harden
shell to prevent more hurt makes us miss out
on chances that may pass under our nose.
Life is for the living!!!

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