Well I am gonna have a great new year and sleep in all
day tomorrow!
May the new year come in slowly and with no violence.
God bless you all and good luck!!!
believed MURDERED most likely
at Joran's Van De Sloot's residence!
no evidence can be gathered to prove otherwise
as in Aruba search warrents have no authority!
I wonder if Joran and the 2 brothers got through
their questionaires yet?
way to go ALE!!!!
Holiday stress can lead to relapse
But recovering addicts delay seeking help,
therapists say.Winter typically connotes a season
of merriment and joy, but for those with a history
of drug and alcohol use, it can cause an avalanche
of setbacks.
Cousellors at area treatment centers believe that drug
and alcohol relapses are more likely to occur during
the winter months, particularly because of holiday
They claim during Thanksgiving and New Year's, they
notice a decline in the number of people seeking
addiction treatment.
In January the numbers soar again.
Stress caused by financial anxieties can lead to drug and
alcohol relapse.
Holiday parties where alcohol is served can also be a
temptation, especially for those early in recovery.
It is believed Clinical depression may also be a factor.
Depression can worsen during winter for some people,
making it more difficult to maintain sobriety.
Medical Center emergency rooms treats more
alcohol-related injuries in the winter and particularly
on holidays
"Holidays are highest-risk times, but I don't want people
to think the rest of the year is smooth sailing."
Its a personal battle that is a lifetime commitment.
”One person admitted during the early years
of sobriety it is especially important to keep
on a program during the winter. During his
first few years after quitting drinking, every
holiday revolved around AA-sponsored
parties, dances and meetings.Programs like
AA alone cannot keep a person sober, he
stressed, only the committed person with
the desire not to drink.
But what they can do is help provide
Therapists agree. People with a history of drugs or alcohol
abuse should approach the winter months with a plan.
Always talk about the holidays before they happen and
plan your movements.
If it’s an alcohol bash where there is a lot of drinking and
carrying on, that's probably not where you want to be.
Please remember, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics
Anonymous provide special events on holidays.
AA holds an all-day, drop-in meeting called an
"Alcothon," and their dances and parties are outlets for
those who desire substance-free fun.
It is amazing how many alcoholics and addicts ... think
everyone's going to be drinking, and it's amazing how many
people don't.
If you plan carefully weddings, Christmas, New Year's can
really be an awful lot of fun, and you can enjoy and know
everything's going on in a sane and sober way."
Let your host know you are recovering but would love
to attend.
Chances are your host/hostess will provide special effects
for you.