Police fear the father of missing six-year-old Zaina
Trujillo Talib will take her back to Pakistan.
"Bethsaida Trujillo begged the father of their daughter to return
the six-year-old to her last night in a televised plea from a 
Toronto police station.
"Don't take my life away from me. Please don't hurt Zaina
and have the heart to return her to me,"
Ms. Trujillo said, her voice quivering."
Toronto police have issued an arrest warrant for
Chaudhry Hassan Talib, a 31-year-old Mississauga man
who they believe may have abducted Zaina Trujillo Talib.
He was supposed to bring the girl back on Sunday,
and police worry he may be planning to flee.
Mr. Talib and his daughter were last seen on Friday,
Nov. 11, at 2:45 p.m., when he picked her up from a school
on Earl Haig Avenue in the Danforth and Pape avenues
area in a blue mini-van taxi.
He had with him a car seat and told Ms. Trujillo his car had
broken down.
COME ON TORONTO help find this little girl!!!!
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