Jossy, The one of the few Arubians
ready to fight for justice for Natalee.
Thank You!!!
Former government spokesperson
creates even more anger against
Aruba in the U.S.
In the US, things are turning darker day after day for the
country of Aruba, its image, and surely its tourism and
financial future given the planned actions of the
It is more than logical that nobody wants to call
themselves an Aruban or wants to beat their chest
and say that they love this island and will defend it
until the end, that they don’t want any manner of
boycott against their island! If everyone knows that
in the US certain persons want to use the case of
Natalee to create sensation, and while there isn’t a
solution to the case, any declaration a little on the
outrageous side on the part of Aruba, can end up
adding fuel to the fire, then why are there in Aruba
supposed heroes who believe that they can go
confront them macho-style, who can do even more
damage in the case of Natalee?
These are the questions that everyone who loves this
island have to ask them because last Sunday again,
unnecessary anger arose towards the American
public who can see and hear via an
American TV channel, how a former government
spokesperson went to spin the case of Natalee
by telling Americans that the war in Iraq was also
something that Americans took care of in an
incorrect way from the beginning. What does the
war in Iraq have to do with Aruba and how can this
help us to solve the case of Natalee and surely
avoid the boycott who will harm the whole island?
The former government spokesperson declared on
FOX News Channel (when he was interviewed) that
there were truly errors made in Aruba at the beginning
of the investigation into Natalee’s case, but that the
US also took care of the war in Iraq incorrectly from
the beginning! Well, this was fuel added to the fire of
the American TV viewing public’s sentiments and the
consequences of the preposterous declarations
and statements of the former government
spokesperson were to have more and more people
in the US asking for a boycott of Aruba.Appeals have
been made to the public to put pressure on cruise
ships to not come to Aruba.
Until when will these macho acts continue from
Aruba to result a total disaster for this island?
Is the former government spokesperson, who now
works at the airport, aware that his preposterous
statements can result in tomorrow not having any,
or having few planes from the US landing in the
same airport where he earns his very attractive salary?
Is the former government spokesperson who works
at the airport aware that million-dollar investments
that the sole owner of the actual work being done
at the airport, is how he wins his bread, and is now
jeopardized by his preposterous statements made
towards the American public?
The time has come for the people of Aruba to pull
themselves together and see how together they are
going to get out of this problem which has been
caused by a couple of people and now is affecting
the future of the country of Aruba.
This is also a plea to the public for any person who
knows anything, however small, about the case of
Natalee, to please contact police and give the
information that police are missing to solve this case.
For all those who believe that they can fight an
elephant, while they are nothing more than an
ant: you are doing more harm than you know and
the majority of the people didn’t ask for you to do
even more damage.
Instead of looking to confront the police corps,
prosecutor, American press and a long list of more
people and institutions who have to solve the case
of Natalee, the best way to take care of this case when
questions are asked, is not to get into
confrontations with anyone, but to ask all persons
or institutions, be they local or foreign, to help us
solve the case because today Aruba stands alone
in the battlefield, fighting alone against injustice
with a people who have no art or part in this.
The fact is that if DIARIO will continue to work in
Natalee’s case and also on other case of those who
have lost loved ones (among others, the case of
Amy Bradley, who disappeared from a cruise ship
in 1998) until the truth comes to the light of day.
[translated by Getagrip]
From the infamous
seedyrum, the angry and recalcitrant cynic
I have to ask why anyone would come forward
at fear of reprisal. Look what happened to the
other witnesses!!!!
If you havent been to seedy's link there from my site.
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