Wednesday, November 23, 2005

He confessed but...

-- Indiana authorities say an 18-year-old man
accused of killing his 14-year-old girlfriend's

parents and kidnapping the girl confessed to the
slayings after his arrest and told police the murder
weapon was in his car.
That's according to court documents released

today by Prosecutors in Hendricks County,
A search warrant affidavit says David Ludwig

told Indiana State Police that a Glock
semiautomatic pistol he used to kill Michael
and Cathryn Borden was under the driver's
front seat of his parents' car, which he
allegedly used to flee the scene with their
daughter Kara.
What people are saying:
It is my opinion that once David Ludwig

murdered the Bordens, Kara went to that
place in her mind that only makes sense
to a 14 year girl...the " man I am in so much
trouble...I need to get out of here", place.

Could it be that the tremendous reality of
her parents death was not something she
could fully undersatnd or appreciate
at the moment? It's not that far out there.
I don't think I like the recent

"blame the parents" posts.
Even if I don't agree with the way they raise

their kids (of course, I don't know that,)
even if they were lousy parents, which
I doubt, they didn't deserve this.
I am a homeschooling mom from Canada.

I have two wonderful sons sges 8 and 12
that I have homeschooled for 6 years.
Everytime something bad happens like
this involving homeschoolers we are
judged and blamed.
Remember Andrea Yates?

I am roman catholic and my reasons
for homeschooling are not religous.
I homeschool my children becuase

I love to spend time with them...
I think that this needs to be looked at

This is exactly what the Bible said, and,

after all, they all professed to be Christians.
The Bible clearly says in the last days,
father shall rise up against son and son
against father.
She ran out to his car when he was leaving

so he wouldn't leave without her
....she should fry too.
Yes, she is only 14, but even her 9 yr old

brother had enough sense to run to a
neighbor for help. So being 14 is NOT an
excuse. Either she has serious romantic
delusions, or is as evil in her heart as Ludwig

Bottom line is that this kid regardless of

his age has earned every right to the
needle. I think the only choice at this point
is what day and which arm. He should have
no right to appeals he should be summarily

I am very concerned how a 14 year old girl

can witness the killing of her parents
especially her Mom and then
just want to go off and have HER life.
How self centered are these children being

raised that there is no normal attachment
to their own Mother?

my thoughts are basically:

.............How could she leave her parents

lying there and run off with this boy?

Was she mentally challenged?

Was their love that strong? Was she scared?

If that's how scared is! well..........I really

cant understand it?

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