Faith-based schools demand funding
Toronto — Several religious groups are
demanding that Ontario fund
faith-based schools for Jews, Sikhs,
Muslims, Protestants and Greek Orthodox children.
The Multi-Faith Coalition for Equal Funding of
Religious Schools says the government is treating
50,000 Ontario children and their families as second
class citizens.
Spokesman Archbishop Sotirios wants Premier
Dalton McGuinty to correct what he calls the
“injustice and inequity” of public funding for
Roman Catholic religious schools.
Archbishop Sotirios notes that a 1999 United Nations
committee found Ontario was violating the International
Covenant on Civil and Political rights.
The coalition says Catholics have a school system
funded by taxpayers while other religious groups
spend thousands of dollars to send their kids to
faith-based schools.
The groups complain that the problem worsened
when Mr. McGuinty scrapped the previous
Conservative government's private-school tax
credit after the Liberals' election in 2003.
Ira Walfish of the Association of Jewish Day Schools
says Ontario is the only jurisdiction in the free world
that fully funds one religion's education but gives
nothing to other faith-based schools.
There was a small protest on the front lawn of
the Ontario legislature to mark the sixth anniversary
of the United Nations ruling, with a similar protest
planned in Ottawa.
“The religious and cultural survival of the affected
minorities is at stake here,” said M.D. Khalid of the
Islamic Society of North American.
“All the talk about multiculturalism is empty when
our parents have to pay for providing their children
with a faith-based education that hundreds of
thousands of Ontario parents take for granted.”
Ontario Roman Catholic school funding has been
guaranteed under the Canadian Constitution since
Confederation in 1867.
So we run from a 3rd world country and come and change
the country we move to into one...hmmm
okay what about the WestIndian schools.
we want our own too!!!!!!!!!!
If this continues I am gonna need a Jamaican
blogspot for Jamaican rights!!!
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