Candles make great gifts for romantic and spiritual people. They are
good spiritual and religious symbols. The colours of candles are
used to represent different things and have different meanings:
BLACK -:To protect, ward off negativity
BLUE -:Wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; Healing, sleep,
creativity, perception, calming wisdom, truth, loyalty,
dreams, emotions
BROWN-: To promote earthly balance, concentration, Family,
BLUE -:Promotes laughter and joy, loyalty
GOLD -:Fosters understanding, bring about fast luck or money,
to heal all inner wounds, money smarts. Prosperity,
wealth, money, attraction
GREEN -:Promotes prosperity, fertility, success, stimulates good
luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation.
SILVER -:Useful when pondering complex issues, helps develop
Psychic abilities
LIGHT BLUE : to obtain inner light or peace, confers truth and guidance.
GREEN -:Attracts love, social delights, and fertility, and success.
ORANGE -:Legal matters, success, action, promotion, attraction
PINK -:Emotions from the heart, begin a new relationship,
raises energies, friends and family, restful sleep and
pleasant dreams.
PURPLE -:Obtain psychic manifestations, secure ambitions, make
contact with the spiritual or other world.
RED -:Physical pleasures, stimulationg, lust, marriage, courage,
strength against enemies. Passion, love, respect, lust,
fertility, will power
WHITE -:Highest consciousness to protect, purify, heal, children,
pets balance, birth, truth, unity, protection, peace,
purification, happiness, spirituality, release positive
energy, to call upon spirits, healing.
Can be substituted for any color candle in rituals.
YELLOW -:Attraction, charm confidence and persuation,
mental clarity, knowledge, expression of joy
----besides they are beautiful to look at as they burn brightly and calmly.
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