Sunday, November 13, 2005


Elderly Abuse has become a Serious Problem.
Each year hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused,
neglected and exploited by family members and others.
Many victims are people who are older, frail, and vulnerable
and cannot help themselves and depend on others to meet
their most basic needs.
Governments have passed some form of elder abuse prevention
laws, but this alone is not enough. If they are not reported they go
throught the cracks.

These are the parents who have supported us through our
baby stages to adults. The ones who have gone out and gotton us
those extra sprcial gifts, recreation classes and supported us on
other issues.

Yes I know all parents may not have all been attentive
parents and maybe we feel some of them owe us something
for what we lost. But these are human beings and that is no excuse.
Bear in mind the baby years are shorter than the long years of
decline of our elderly parents.
The length of time of care gets tedious and with a family to raise
yourself, you may begin to neglect.
It is okay to say "I just can't manage anymore"
It's okay to put them in homes.
IT IS NOT OKAY to stop visiting, even when they don't know
you are there. You are visiting to ensure the people being paid to
do their job are doing it. A job that requires the same sort of dedication
you have to put out at your job.
A friend who worked in a nursing home as an aide, decribed to be
the mistreatment of some of these patients entrusted to their care.
It is reasonable to guess while some patients may not all be aware of
the way they are treated, that is it a situation that is in most old age
homes. he also told me of mending the underwear and clothes of the
elderly patients who had not been visited for some time by family.
Clothing and underwear wears away on the elderly as it does on you.
Regardless of being shut away in a home.
Don't take it away from them, regardless of how they treated you.
The pension cheque may look good to you and encourage you to
keep a frail parent at home for it. Then use some of it to hire a person
to help out a couple hours a day. Imagine those days when there was
less help than now. These people have a lot of living and stories in them.
Family time can be enriched by these memories.
I regret not having more time with my grandmother.
I had so much more to ask. She helped me earn an A for my
Titanic project at school in 2nd form. Thank god for her memories
They are humans,
Please think twice about abusing them.
The circle of life must be preserved.

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