Sundays bring back vivid memories
of sitting around a large table with
cousins, aunts uncles, grandparents
and after the short grace pigging out
on Fried chicken, Roast beef with
browned potatoes and Yorkshire
pudding, stewed fish, Jamaican
rice and peas, spinach with cheese
or corn on the cob, potato salad,
freshly tossed garden salad and
homemade dressing.
A day of rest as it used to be.
There we were eighteen family
members sharing a large meal.
It was the thing to do then.
All recounting the weekly tidbits
(formulated for table gossip of
course and mindful of parents
present hehe). After dinner the
desserts of cakes, pies and
ice cream topped with nuts,
cherries and whipped cream.
Funnily enough the times are
rarer today of families sitting
down to eat regular Sunday
dinners or even the everyday
Work schedules, Hobbies and
activities keep us busy as our
parents and guardians work
more or are even in a different
part of the country or world
trying to provide for their family.
We yell about conserving energy
when 24 hours a day we are
burning energy to meet the greed
of business owners and the rich,
who today are robbing the poor
and the middle class of the
opportunity to spend time with
their family members.
Families are being torn apart
from lack of time and children
left with no guidance. Business
owners are opening their
businesses longer and more days
and the money they pay the
workers has not improved.
We lose more time with our
families so they can live
The joke is
A family member remarked as they
watched New Orleans stores being
robbed on Television during the
hurricane and said. “Wow the criminals
are out there doing big business,
even in times of turmoil.”
Yes and so are our Business owners,
I commented getting rich of the backs
of its workers.
If parents should be responsible for
their children’s behavior
The government, rich and business
owners have to claim some responsibility.
This is just my opinion; feel free to add
yours in the comment areas.
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