Halloween Safety Tips
1. Carry a flashlight
2. Walk, don't run.
3. Stay on Sidewalks
4. Obey traffic signals
5. Stay in familiar neighborhoods
6. Don't cut across yards or
driveways. walk on the left side
of the road facing traffic
7. Wear a watch you can read in
the dark.
8. Make sure costumes don't drag
on the ground.
9. Shoes should fit (even if they
don't go with your costume)
10. Avoid wearing masks while walking
from house to house.
11. Carry only flexible knives,
swords or other props.
12. Wear clothing with reflective markings
or tape.
13. Approach only houses that are lit.
14. Stay away from and don't pet animals
you don't know.
15. Ideally, young children of any age
should be accompanied by an adult.
16. Always travel in groups or pairs
17. DO NOT EAT ANYTHING until your
Parents or guardians have checked it.
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