Keep you enemy’s close
but your families closer.
In this big world filled with stress and
pressures of all kind, It is difficult to keep
your family close to you. Love and
attention is the glue that maintains a
health bond. When families break down
and no attempt is made to revive it.
The family members lose touch with what
is important.
Men and women are built
differently hormonally, chemically, and
structurally. We see the world differently.
A woman generally views life relationally,
a man instrumentally. That is, a woman
thinks in terms of another person’s
feelings; a man thinks more in terms of
just the facts. A man can help a woman be
more objective about life.
And a woman can help a man have more
subjective feelings about life.
It’s all about sharing your feelings and
helping each other along the way.
Healthy families mentally practice putting
themselves in each other’s place.
This increases understanding and
compassion for couples and their families.
Communication and listening to each
other is another important and commodity
for today’s society. Express your
feelings and let others know how you feel.
No one can right a wrong they do
not know has occurred.
Spending time together constructively
helps to keep everyone an active member
of the family. Sharing your skills at
photography, decorating and planning
simple inexpensive outings. Playing a
simple game of monopoly counts as
solid family time. Even when separated
for time periods try a website for the
family to sign into, if only to keep up on
the news, pictures and current family
It’s certainly cheaper than those dreaded
long distance phone calls.
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