Thursday, October 27, 2005


"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Deciding to date is scary for both guys
and girls.
Rejection is something we face and we
must accept that it does not mean we are
unattractive or not good enough.
It basically means the other person is not
attracted to us.
Attraction does not come in looks alone
…look around you and go to a few
weddings. Ever notice how most times
…one partner stands out more than
the other?
You may even say to your self
“eek why is he marrying her”
“Wow she could do better than that”.
Well if everyone was attracted to the

same person we would all be in a mess.
All Relationships need the 4 C’s

… Commitment, Communication,
Compatibility and Co-operation.
Stop worrying about what others think

of you be you and go out and find your
partner. There is someone out there for
eveyone. Hiding in doors, will cause
you to miss them
Ask your date lots of questions regarding

hobbies and family. It’s the only way
to feel out if you and he have any
common links.
Don’t be afraid to take a chance cause
you would never know how it would
work out if you did not.
Each dating experience is like a
stepping-stone in life
Remember 1st dates should be

somewhere quite where you can
get to know your date.

The best relationship begins with

friendship and trust.
Places to meet potential dates are at

church, social events, fairs, parks,
beaches, parties, concerts, movies,
joining gyms, taking community
classes ie. pottery, art, photography etc

SEX that 3 letter word pops up during

Good news… women don’t have to pay
for dates by having sex with
their partners.
Isn’t that great to know.
And men that goes for you too.

Sex is a mutual agreement between
adults when the time is right.
Pressuring a partner for sex is so out.

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Too many missing people. Too many BAD relationships. Too many errors in judgement. If the infomation on this site prevents 1 mistake it has accomplished something.

Bossco- Family addition 3months 2 weeks

Bossco- Family addition 3months 2 weeks

Bossco again

Bossco again
The only time he is good...

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