Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Alcohol Abuse & Family Abuse

Two-thirds of Family abuse cases WERE
researched and deemed to be alcohol-related.

Researchers at the federal Center on Substance

Abuse Treatment say alcohol is involved in about half
the incidents of domestic violence, and that about 40
percent of male batterers are heavy or binge drinkers.
"A recent study found that more than half the

defendants accused of murdering their spouses
had been drinking alcohol at the time," said the report.
Experts say 3 million children witness acts of violence

gainst their mothers each year, leaving many of them
primed for similar abuse in their own adult lives.
Sex abuse can be one of the most devastating to the

victims from an alcoholic parent or sibling.


-Alcohol is sometimes used as a temporary way of

numbing anger.
-Others use it as an excuse to blow up and beat their

-Alcoholics have an insecurity that doesn't allow them

to communicate their emotions properly but alcohol
gives them false bravery
-Shame, remorse, guilt and anger build up to trigger

a cycle of domestic violence that recurs regularly.
-Physical Abuse generally runs through several

generations of a family, But just because alcoholism
tends to run in families -doesn't mean that a child of an
alcoholic parent will automatically become an alcoholic
-Some people develop alcoholism even though no one

in their family drinks.
-Not all children of alcoholic families get into trouble

with alcohol.

Unfortunately many spouses do not do the minimum to

comply with a court order or unwittingly take an
abusive spouse back, which leads to more assaults.
A lot of people don't come forward because of the

Men are particularly embarrassed that their wives

are beating them up and they don't want to see their
names in the paper.
Battered spouses live in fear never knowing what will
trigger an abusive episode; often there is little, or no
Financial constraints and fear that the batterer will
harass, stalk and possibly kill her or harm family
members often stop victims from leaving.

Local police and prosecutors have been given

extensive training and new tools to combat abuse,
and the Governments have pitched in funds to
combat abuse prevention.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233(SAFE) or
TTY 1-800-7879-3224

Alcohol dependence, is a disease that includes

the following four symptoms:
-Craving- A strong need, or urge, to drink.
-Loss of control- not being able to stop drinking

once drinking has begun.
-Physical dependence- Withdrawal symptoms

such as nausea, sweating, shakiness and
Anxiety occur when they stop drinking.
-Tolerance- The need to drink greater amounts

of alcohol to get "high."
The craving that an alcoholic feels for alcohol can be

as strong as the need for food or water. An alcoholic
will continue to drink despite serious family, health,
or legal problems.
Alcoholism lasts a person's lifetime and is influenced

both by a person's genes and by his or her lifestyle.
It is not curable.
Relapses are a way of life and therefore alcohol should
not be kept in the home.
Alcohol Anonymous is still the best HELP out there for
Drinking during pregnancy is extremely dangerous.

A baby can be born mentally retarded or with learning
and behavioral problems that last a lifetime.
Women become impaired quicker than men because
women's bodies have less water than men's bodies.
If an alcoholic refuses to get help
-Stop all "cover ups."
Family members often make

excuses to others or try to protect the alcoholic
from the results of his or her drinking.
-Time your intervention. The best time to talk to the

drinker is shortly after an alcohol-related problem
has occurred
-Get help. Gather information in advance about

treatment options in your community.
-Find strength in numbers. With the help of a

health care professional, some families join with
other relatives and friends to confront an alcoholic
as a group.
Support groups offered in most communities include
Al-Anon, which holds regular meetings for spouses
and other significant adults in an alcoholic's life,
and Alateen, which is geared to children of alcoholics.

Keep our Families Safe!!!!

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Too many missing people. Too many BAD relationships. Too many errors in judgement. If the infomation on this site prevents 1 mistake it has accomplished something.

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