Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence now affect teens and young adults between the ages of 12 and 20, even though drinking under the age of 21 is illegal.
According to research by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, adolescents who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21
It was stated Alcohol-related violence has risen among persons under age 21.
Over three million teenagers are estimated to be out-and-out alcoholics. Many more have a serious drinking problem that they cannot manage on their own. The 3 leading causes of death for 15- to 24-year-olds are said to be automobile crashes, homicides and suicides.
Drinking, Researchers suggests may be an expression of adolescent turmoil that includes other problem behaviors linked to unconventionality, impulsiveness, and sensation seeking.
Drinkers may have problems attaining the goals typical of the transition from adolescence to young adulthood (e.g., marriage, educational attainment, employment, and financial independence).
Dependence on alcohol and other drugs has also been associated with several psychiatric problems, such as: Depression, Anxiety, Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and Antisocial personality disorder.
Proof that anxiety and depression or suicidal behavior is consequences of alcohol abuse is not known fully. Yet Alcohol use, Researchers have suggested are correlated to the above causes.
Parents' drinking habits and favorable attitudes about drinking have been proven to be positively associated with adolescents' initiating and continuing drinking. Children who have a closer relationship with their parents and were warned about alcohol were less likely to start drinking. Lack of parent’s support, monitoring and communication, Harsh, inconsistent discipline and hostility or rejection toward children have been related to frequency of drinking, heavy drinking, and drunkenness among adolescents.
The most common and effective way for an individual to combat his or her addictive behaviors is through a Self Health Group with advice and support from a Health Care Professional. Treatment should also involve family members because family history may play a role in the origins of the problem and successful treatment cannot take place in isolation.
Info obtain from - Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Chairman and President, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
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1 comment:
if you will allow me to obloviate:
from the dawning of time men were cast as the dominat one with all the senses and women were the little damsel who needed protection and use sex to get a man.
For whatever reason, women enjoyed keeping the eye of men, dollying up, putting on clothing to catch their attention, playing coy or in distress.
Men on the other hand played their part, as being rough, the savior , the know all.
Men hid their feelings and women cried if someone look at them.
now who gave rise to that myth? Did God intend for women to be a object to be owned and disrected by men, a receptacle to catch the waste from their penis?
Men though themselves smarter than the average bear, so they owned everything, they decided women should not be in public unescorted, they got the book learning and told the women what they wanted the women to know.
Women though their job was to keep the house and have the kids, believe what the man said, never trying to learn to read and etc.
Times change
Men didnt want the women anymore for the first time women were on their own.
Men divoirced women, or killed them or burned them and it was ACCEPTABLE.
Women didnt have the menas to fight back after all they were never allowed education, or to hold jobs or own anything.
Men began to lose respect for women.
Women lost respect forselves.
Men lost respect for women as the women didnt challenge the men.
Women lost respect for themselvs..well did they ever have respect for themselves?
Did they really??
Women never fight back do nothing but whimper, cry, be led, shouted down, harassed and run tell someone else to do their fighting for them.
Although Prostitutes made it but thats another subjects....Yes I applaud prostitutes make those idiots pay for getting that nut.
Womenget dolled up not for themseles but to attract a man because MEN decided a woman isn't anything or anyone unless she has a MAN. give me a break.
Thank good ness for Lesbians...they got it right. they said damn the dumb shit.
Men, of course , are threatened by this as they are threatend by Gay MEN. Now why is that.
Women has babied men to the poin that MEN don't take responsibilities for their own actions.
Which brings me to the point of this post. No means No.
Men think its their right to have sex with a woman any woman( excuse me ) any female as Men are having sex with children dogs or anything with a hole including a hole in the ground.
The lemming women are going along with this. How many women who support the notion that a woman leads a man on she dress like a slut she talk like a slut she act like a slut?
No matter who the person is or their socioeconmic status or education level, that person owns that body and has the right to say NO.
There is good in having Liberals as thats how women were able to vote, read and go to school own property, have a job, and be single if that chose without streotypes(well some)
However Liberal went too far when it let anything go. Men think rape is ok as in Aruba. drugem and rapem. and letem go ( the perpetrators)
How did Aruba let this practice get to this point where someone died?
They allowed for these cockslaves to listen to their DICKS instead of whats right.
The Aruba goverment officials are probably dicking someone or each other, its was fun as long as noone complained...well not only someone complaiend and fought back but she died trying to keep her virginity.
Has Aruba leanred?
No, as they allowed/HELPED the culprit and his Father escaped their just punishment.
Lets hope other countries or islands of tourism don't leanr from Aruba. How to escape culpability. Its bound to happen again.
Who will die?
Teach all boys from toddlers NO
NO NO sign limits, define rules and then stay reolute as a parent and adult.
Women shouldnt have to fight to have NO man NO
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