This Lent...........
Give up complaining.....focus on gratitude.
Give up pessimism...become an optimist.
Give up harsh judgments...think kindly thoughts.
Give up Divine Providence.
Give up full of hope.
Give up bitterness......turn to forgiveness.
Give up hatred.....return good for evil.
Give up a positive.
Give up more patient.
Give up pettiness.....become more mature.
Give up gloom.....enjoy the beauty that is all around you.
Give up jealousy....pray for trust.
Give up gossiping.....control your tongue.
Give up sin.....turn to virtue.
Give up giving up....hang in there!!!!!
The attachment will also help us to contemplate and meditate the Suffering, Death
and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Wishing you a prayerful and Reflective Lenten Season
† Clean Monday (Monday, February 15, 2010)
† Ash Wednesday (Wednesday, February 17, 2010)
† First Sunday of Lent (Sunday, February 21, 2010)
† Second Sunday of Lent (Sunday, February 28, 2010)
† Third Sunday of Lent (Sunday, March 7, 2010)
† Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) (Sunday, March 14, 2010)
† Feast of Saint Patrick (Wednesday, March 17, 2010)
† Feast of Saint Joseph (Friday, March 19, 2010)
† Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday) (Sunday, March 21, 2010)
† The Annunciation of the Lord (Thursday, March 25, 2010)
† Palm Sunday (Sunday, March 28, 2010)
† Holy Thursday (Thursday, April 1, 2010)
† Good Friday (Friday, April 2, 2010)
† Holy Saturday (Saturday, April 3, 2010)
† Easter (Sunday, April 4, 2010)
Wishing you a prayerful Lenten season!!
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