Sunday, March 26, 2006

Top Defense Lawyers view

Top Defense Lawyers Weigh In on Holloway
Attorneys Consider Suspicion that

Missing Teen Used Alcohol or Drugs

Aruban police claim they have a witnesses

saying Natalee was drinking heavily and had
drugs on her the night she went missing.
This was told by Gerald Dompig, Aruba's
deputy chief of police, to CBS television's
on the 48 Hours Mystery program.
ABC News asked top
criminal defense lawyers

what they thought
Roy Black-Criminal defense lawyer,

Black: ...Usually, the only time someone

covers up a death is when there is
criminal conduct
involved, because they're afraid of the
police discovering their part in it.
Generally, when there's an accident,

people just leave the body where it is.
Why would anybody throw it at sea or
anywhere else?
Black: It's very hard to lose a human

body. When somebody dies, it's almost
always discovered, because it's very
hard to lose or dispose of a human body.
With decomposition, there is a very
pungent smell, and it's very easy to find
a dead body. ...
Gerry Schargel

Criminal defense attorney, New York
Schargel: ... Drugs are not talismans in

whose presence all the other evidence
in the case goes away and disappears.
... But if someone dies accidentally of

and alcohol, it's likely someone would

have sought medical attention.
And the fact that her body would have
disappeared on a small island smacks

more of murder than drugs and alcohol.

Chris Tritico
Represented Timothy McVeigh
...There's one of two possibilities. It

could be that because of the drugs,
she died an accidental death. ...
but it is not the final piece of evidence
by which the police should close this
investigation. ...
The fact that her body has never been

found leans more toward a homicide

than an accidental death.
But because we don't have all the

pieces of this puzzle, we really don't
have an answer.

Accident huh? Like hell!

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