Saturday, October 01, 2005


God created Sex so it must be a good thing!

Sex is meant to be a beautiful thing.

A state originally intended to be treasured
and share between a man and a wife.
Today things are different and sex is openly

shared, among the dating population.
Sometimes it even occurs on the first night.
Is this a wise move? How much can you know
about a person in one hour or even one night?
This chance can result in a serious health
risk or even death.
It has been proven over time that relationships

that begin with sex, fades within 2-3 years.
A relationship based on sex alone has no where

to grow. You have not taken the time to see
if you have any things in common besides sex.
Outside of the bedroom you have nothing
in common with each other and interests

Is it okay to have sex while dating?

Is your choice of time being taken from you?

Are you being pressure?
Is this love or a chance for your partner to
receive free sexual satisfaction?
The first time a woman gives away her

virginity should be one of the most enjoyable
moments of her life. Your Virginity should be
given willingly and without regret.
Any self-doubt that exists tarnishes that
memory for good. This is one gift that can
never be taken back or returned. It a decision
that regardless of the year, SHOULD NEVER
If you have made a conscious decision to give up
your virginity carelessly you must live with the
results. It take a very mature woman to make
this decision. Young girls talk to an adult and
know the risks before making an unheathy

***Unfortunately a forceful sexually encounter

robs a woman of that choice and the emotional
and relational damage stays with you for life.
If you have lost your virginity to RAPE, do not
be discouraged. You may have lost your virginity
but you can rest at ease that it was not given
carelessly and not by choice. Get help
immediately and never be ashamed. ***


Anonymous said...

dam girl take it easy!! give us time to settle in here

Anonymous said...


I am not Jamaican though.......

Anonymous said...

you really think you are up for me even still?

let me know

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Too many missing people. Too many BAD relationships. Too many errors in judgement. If the infomation on this site prevents 1 mistake it has accomplished something.

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Bossco- Family addition 3months 2 weeks

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